

Qurbani Service


Head & legs will be delivered without burning & cutting. When placing an order, please add the name and the father’s name – Ali bin Muhammad or Aisha bint Muhammad – in the notes section. Please select payment option by direct account transfer Account details are given). Cash on delivery orders will not be proceeded.


We provide goat/sheep’s slaughter service very efficiently. We know its significance and follow a rigid process from the procurement of the animal to the delivery of the meat as per sunnah instructions.

Please also confirm how you would like your meat. Chops will always be available as chops unless instructed otherwise. The legs and shoulders can be diced (on or off the bone), steaked, halved, sliced or left whole. Anything left over will be diced on the bone and packed separately for curry or stock.

Please Note: If we do not receive any special cutting instructions, then we will process the whole lamb as diced on bone (curry pieces) as is usual in our communities.

We offer Qurbani for people with limited resources and time. Qurbani Services is initiated with a vision to ease logistics/distribution problems in developed cities. Our team works under the guidance of Islamic principles and ensures that the entire process is carried out strictly according to Shariah. We not only deliver the meat by hand, but also have the facility to make sure that the meat reaches poor/needy people on your behalf. Apart from that, the skin of the animal is sold and the amount is donated to various Madarsas or poor families as per your instructions.


Why choose us?

  • We offer the service with complete efficiency and reliability. We procure animals in accordance to Shariah rules and deliver the meat to your doorstep.
  • We provide media (photos and videos) as per your instructions mentioned in the notes section.
  • We also have an option of delivering the meat to poor & needy people in the city. Skins will not be used for profits but donated to the needy or Islamic education institutions (madarsas).
  • On the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, Qurbani) will be performed by us on your behalf and will be cut into generous pieces which are then packed into 3 shares and delivered to you, including all parts.
  • Type of Sheep: Popular breed (Telangana potla)
  • Approximate Total Weight of sheep (before slaughter): 26-30 kgs
  • Approximate Total Weight of meat carcass (after slaughter) :12-14 kgs + liver, lungs, kidney & heart



  1. Head & legs will be delivered without burning & cutting.
  2. When placing an order, please add the name and the father’s name – Ali bin Muhammad or Aisha bint Muhammad – in the notes section.
  3. Please select payment option by direct account transfer Account details are given). Cash on delivery orders will not be proceeded.


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